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前陣子無意間看到 The Pink Panther 2 (粉紅豹 2)電影預告
本片由加拿大籍Steve Martin扮演法國刑警Inspector Clouseau, 當然他誇張的假法國口音, 搭配荒謬的劇情, 瞎打誤撞的happy ending , 自然是本片的重點了
在這段預告中, Inspector Clouseau問理髮師 What kind of shampoo is it?
- It's Jojoba.
- Can I see the bottle? (after checking the bottle) It's "joe-joe-ba"! Why did you say "ho-ho-ba"?
然後兩個人就在一陣討論中, 一搭一唱地把jojoba編成一首打油詩, 開始唱起來了
在看了這段trailer之後, 我的老公竟然轉過來問我:
Is "jojoba" really pronunced as "ho-ho-ba"?
Or are they just trying to confuse us?
原來我的老公過去的30年來一直把Jojoba發成 "joe-joe-ba"
他還以為電影中的理髮師是法國人, 所以才把Jojoba"誤發"為ho-ho-ba
儘管他苦苦哀求我不要告訴別人, 還狡辯Jojoba這種成分只有在台灣聽過, 美國根本沒有這種東西 (胡說, 只是你沒有注意而已) But. 這種驚天動地的笑話怎麼可能不趕快廣播一下 !?
哈 ~ 哈~ 哈~ 哈~ 哈~
But who would really get that joke anyway.
Ps. The Jojoba joke falls flat. Inspector Clouseau pronounces all the "Hs" (like in ho-ho-ba) so effortlessly but that's impossible for the French.