[工作實錄 5] 台北國際花博會 MoU簽署儀式
案名: 2010台北國際花博會合作備忘錄簽署儀式
時間: 2009年3月11日下午5:30
地點: 圓山飯店
難度: * * (out of 5)
[工作實錄 5] 台北國際花博會 MoU簽署儀式
案名: 2010台北國際花博會合作備忘錄簽署儀式
時間: 2009年3月11日下午5:30
地點: 圓山飯店
難度: * * (out of 5)
To view the content in English: http://jennifershih1028.pixnet.net/blog/post/26546336
人稱: "The Best Job in the World"
My friend Clare Wang from Taiwan is leading in an online vote to become one of the 11 people shortlisted for a job interview for the 'best job in the world' as a caretaker on a tropical island!
Months ago an Australian state launched a global search for candidates for "the best job in the world"- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.
The job pays $105,000 over six months and the care-taker is expected to stroll the white sands, soak up the sun, snorkel the reef, and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
The competition attarcted 30,000 applicants from 220 countries around the world. And my friend Clare (who's also a conference interpreter) came out on top as one of the 50 finalists!
Now it's our job to make sure she lands the best job in the world so we can all go visit her and stay at this multi-million dollar beach home that's part of the package. (I heard the beach house is complete with plunge pool and golf buggy!)
We are only clicks away from our dream beach vacation:
近年來我的收入除口譯外, 有很大一部份來自英語主持
好多次有人跟我說, "妳分明就是個專業龍套ㄚ"
會議名稱: 日商內部會議
日期: 2009年 3/24, 25, 26日
地點: 公司內部會議室
難度: * * * (out of 5)
今年1, 2月作的會全都是CI, 真的讓人納悶
難道大家都知道我的同步partner莫名其妙被抓去作兵, 現在處於partner-less狀態?
Mispelling Misspelling
Misspellings may be due to either typing errors or lack of knowledge of the correct spelling. Sadly both kinds can be found thoughout my posts. (It's also partially due to my hunt-and-peck tying which prevents me from being able to see what has been typed without glancing away from the keys. )